Sunday, November 3, 2019

NHS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

NHS - Essay Example They reviled the concept of iPhone, claiming that it is only an impractical substitute for the desktop computers and other gadgets. The idea of multi-touch screen also became the subject of objection as people found it not as accurate as the ones of previous smart phones. But Steve Jobs was not willing to pay much attention to such criticisms, and he pushed the project with enthusiasm till the finish line. He took the challenge in spite of the negative opinions of others and eventually attained success as iPhone immediately caught the imagination of the people and turned out to be the sensation in the IT market. Unlike Jobs in his legendary success story, what I had to suppress before the talent show was the risk to fail. I performed the rapping in front of the whole school a few days before the end of the camp. Writing a meaningful, even skillful piece of rap in Korean, translating it and â€Å"self-advertising† was not a difficult part of the job as I was a fervent fan of Hip-hop and everybody knew my abilities as a rapper by that time. The problem I encountered was that I had to fight the pressure coming from the scale of the show and the thought that I might not be successful. Moreover, my infirmity – forgetting the words – and the fact I failed all the show rehearsals undermined my self-confidence and I found myself in panic a night before the show. I even considered pretending being sick and avoiding the show! However I made my mind clear when I remembered the advice my father gave me once: â€Å"You won’t get tiger’s skin unless you risk entering its den†. At last, I decided to change my attitude towards the show, not to worry about the results and to do as best as I can in the given circumstances. I spent all the time practicing and thinking of the showmanship. Fortunately, that paid off as I was able to literally â€Å"steal the show† and became an â€Å"overnight star† of the camp. Oh! The

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