Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Perspective on the Influence of College Clubs Essay Example for Free

A Perspective on the Influence of College Clubs Essay College clubs have been a part of university life since the very first fraternities and sororities were created. If the student so chooses, he or she can make college an experience to remember by joining a club. They range from things like journalism and math to sports such as soccer or lacrosse. People who join these clubs tend to have a background in the topic or at the very least, an interest in learning about it. There is a club for everything you can think of, and if there isn’t, it is not that hard to start one. Clubs in college, although similar to those in high school, are quite different in the types of people and the variety of cultures brought together by the sheer size and caliber of a college. The importance and benefits of college clubs cannot be numbered, not just for the students but also for the community. Though there are myriad benefits to joining a college club, some have brought up possible problems with joining or being able to join clubs. Academically speaking, college clubs have interfered with a student’s productivity, particularly in the areas of homework and studying. This leads into the economic issues with college clubs; students sometimes have trouble being able to pay fees to join clubs that they would like to join and therefore can be deprived of the experience simply because of financial issues. Finally the social perspective: some sociologists have been led to the conclusion that college clubs have, in several cases, caused social problems for students because of the connections people unknowingly make between a club name or topic and a preconceived notion about what it may concern. These arguments, while valid, do not outweigh the benefits derived from joining clubs. Joining a club during your freshman year of college is a great way to meet people who have similar interests. Finding friends in college can be difficult. College clubs can help change that because they bring together people from different cultures and backgrounds and create a common ground where they can discuss their ideas about a certain topic in a safe environment without having to worry about being ridiculed. College clubs are a way for people to establish their own socioeconomic status, or SES, within the campus and dictate their values. Depending on the clubs available, people join the ones that will most suit them and create a reputation just by the clubs they join. The various options come with various consequences and outcomes during and after college. Marybeth Walpole, an Assistant Professor at Rowan University, has discovered that the clubs one joins have been proven to shape the way one progresses through college, and, in some cases, completely alter the way one views the world after college. John Foubert and Lauren Grainger explored the psychological development of students in their freshman year and those in their senior year and the differences between the two. They found that students who get involved during their freshman year show more development over the course of the four year period and are more likely to continue to join clubs and find ways to involve themselves on campus. Clubs have a very influential and positive impact on both the students that participate in them and the campus, or community, where they take place. Research on college clubs has been tested and revealed several interesting facts about the correlation between academic performance and being part of a club. In general, taking part in a club has little to no effect on doing well academically in school. This generalization, taken from the statistical analysis of a collection of survey responses conducted by Myrnell L. Martin, a graduate of Missouri West, is applied with the knowledge that most clubs are non-academic and instead support extra-curricular activity. Many believe that clubs can interfere with homework and study time in a student’s life. This can be true if the student is unorganized and is unable to manage a schedule. With this in mind, a club can therefore act as a tool to help the student manage time more wisely. For most college students, participation in a club allows the student to have a basis on which he or she can create a schedule and arrange their daily lives. Homework and studying should not take a backseat to clubs but certainly does not have to as long as the students takes into account the amount of work that must be done both for the club and outside of the club. This concept, of successful time management, learned by the student because of joining a club in college, can then be applied outside of college in the working world. Joining a club can quite possibly cost a lot, depending, of course, on the club. Clubs whose fees are higher generally have smaller group and a much more developed program. Most clubs only require a few dollars out of pocket, perhaps twenty-five dollars at most, at the very beginning for small purchases here and there. Those clubs that don’t require any fees are usually the most populated and will have a greater chance of bringing people from very diverse backgrounds together. Although clubs may charge fees, many clubs will have payment options or even sponsorships from various third parties. This is truly beneficial for students who are stretched to the limit financially, especially at expensive universities. Paying for club participation is usually a sign of quality, and leads to an enriched environment in which the student can take more away from the experience. When clubs charge a fee, it means they have either activities planned for the club or possibly some food and paraphernalia throughout the year. While having to pay for a club does not sound like the most exciting thing in the world for college students, it will most likely to lead to a more rewarding experience and more enjoyment from that club. College clubs have their place on campus, and are often widely recognized as important contributors to the campus as a whole. In special cases, clubs have developed into organizations that play a major part in the goings-on on campus. These include student governing organizations and the like which have developed because students take an interest in government and ruling ideals which help these students later on in life because they learn about the democratic process in a hands-on environment, as well as leadership skills that can be applied across the board. Clubs have a history of improving campus life and involving students in societal projects to better the community. Edward Hartshorne conducted research in this field and discovered that college is the ideal place for continuous club organizations and their universal impact on the campus. He reasons that each student’s impact spans for an approximate seven year â€Å"generation,† where there are the three years ahead of the student as a freshman and then the three years behind the student as a senior. This provides for a perpetuation of ideas through normal contact which results in a link that can span for as long as the club or organization decides to continue. This continuation of clubs and ideas transforms into a sort of â€Å"college culture†, described by Hartshorne as the upholding of certain social â€Å"norms†, which were established long before each generation arrived and will continue to endure after that generation departs. I, myself, am currently involved in Cal Poly Club Lacrosse as well as Formula SAE, and feel I am better for it. It allows me to escape from the academic side of college and do physical exercise in a manner that suits me. I love playing lacrosse and though I find it hard to make the time commitment I have always been able to push myself to make time in my schedule for everything I need to get done. Club lacrosse helps me to organize myself because it creates a time pressure situation where I must manage my time wisely and complete the homework necessary before I plan time for myself. Although I have had less time to do the things I want to do, such as hang out with friends, I still am able to do these activities, just in moderation. However, I accomplish more because I strive to do better so that I don’t have to stress out over the small things. Lacrosse has also been an outlet for me to find new friends on campus which I can rely on because I know that lacrosse is important for them as well. Formula SAE allows me to utilize what I’ve learned in school and apply it to real life situations by designing a racecar to compete against other schools. I have learned a lot from both the club experience and the other members of the club. This club also allows me to spend time with other engineers who are interested in cars. Clubs have definitely made a difference in my life at Cal Poly and I’m that they can do the same for all college freshmen.

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