Friday, November 8, 2019

Expanding the Security Council essays

Expanding the Security Council essays Expanding the Security Council is an issue that I was thinking about for long time. Many countries believe that they should become members of the Big Five club; they demand the expanding of the council. Countries like Japan, Germany, Italy and even some under developed countries like South Africa, Egypt, Brazil and other countries want the privileges of being permanents members of the Security Council. On the other hand, the five VETO holders will not accept some other countries to hold their powers and become equal to them in the International society. As World War Two winners: The USA, The UK, France, Russia (SU) and China (Taiwan), always have the heights hand in making international decisions by having the VETO right. They decide where to send troops, they put embargoes on other countries, they make international laws, and they always protect themselves, their alias and their friends with the right to refuse and canceling any Security Counsels decision or resolutions without even giving explanations. If any resolution conflicts with what they prefer, they always click on the key word VETO. I personally believe in expanding the Security Counsel, I believe in giving the rest of the big economical and strategic countries some extra power. Yes Russia is a winner in the war, but that was 60 years ago and it is not the Soviet Union any more. Compare the Japanese economy to the Russians today and see who has more power in the actual time. Compare between the French and the German army force. Compare between the Chinese and the Italian Human rights. The None Winners back then, are not Losers now. The Five rulers countries come from only three continents, that means that three other continents are left behind with out even one permanent representative among the international law controllers. Therefore I came up with my idea and discussed it with others on what the International s ...

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