Friday, December 27, 2019

Poems Family and Gary Soto - 926 Words

For this paper I will be discussing three poems. They are Wood Butcher by Norman Hindley, Behind Grandma s House by Gary Soto, and Manners by Elizabeth Bishop. I will be examining the common theme I found throughout the three poems. I found that to be how the relatives teach lessons to their relation of a younger generation and the different approaches to their teaching. To start off I will discuss the Wood Butcher by Norman Hindley. I believe the way the father taught the son was some what like an apprenticeship. The line I was your helper, and that first year We worked weekends through most of winter gave me the impression that it was a watch and learn experience rather than explaining it. Take note of how the father†¦show more content†¦The grandpa told the grandson exactly how to act. He said Always offer a ride and sure enough he invited the next person he saw up. The grandpa was not a hypocrite at all during this poem. I personally think that makes a huge diffe rence in the rate in which the grandson picks up these manners. He begins to use words like we and our to show that he was doing as he s grandfather was. Out of all the poems I believe this non-violent approach was the most effective. Maybe the others worked in the end, but the poem didn t state it as specifically as this one did. In conclusion, Wood Butcher by Norman Hindley, Behind Grandma s House by Gary Soto, and Manners by Elizabeth Bishop all had a common theme. I found that to be how the relatives teach lessons to their relation of a younger generation and the different approaches to their teaching. They each had their own teaching method and some may have appeared to work better than others. In the end the older relative was always trying to get some type of messageShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Oranges And Small Town With One Road 1372 Words   |  6 Pagespassion, prior experience and multiple outer influences. 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