Monday, October 14, 2019

Place like home Essay Example for Free

Place like home Essay They say that there is no place like home. I could not agree more. Simplicity and respectfulness towards others are the key characteristics that I believe I have acquired in my home. Although at this point in my life I have been living long enough in the United States for it not to be foreign for me, I know deep inside my heart my home is still with Tibet. My parents have built a home that is affectionate, cozy, and has faith. We moved here in the United State when I was three years old, but to me it did not seem like I moved away from my motherland. My parents made it a point that I still develop and possess Tibetan characteristics that will make me stronger and impenetrable to unwanted experiences. My parents taught me that even though life is hard, as they were immigrants trying to adapt the American way of life, they will get by if they have the support of family. They never kept anything from me. I learned of their hardships and I kept these experiences with me. I wanted to learn how to adapt to the new environment myself and with my parent’s experiences as my guide. Seeing how my parents flourished in spite and despite of the challenges they faced everyday made me believe that nothing is impossible with faith and determination. Just like my parents, I am determined to be successful and to overcome any obstacles that I face. I kept the religious side of me because it has been one of my pillars ever since time immemorial. Faith has kept me going and this is another one of the most valuable lesson that I learned from my family, I know that my thoughts and my beliefs are much more conservative than others, but this I do not regret. It is with these characteristics that I learned to respect other people’s beliefs and I learned to understand this too. In the same way that they respect me and my own religion I also respect theirs. All of these I learned from my parent’s humble ways. Never did I hear from them any complaints about our ethnicity or about how hard they worked. Only do I hear about their success and their determination to give me a beautiful life. A simple yet fulfilling and beautiful life is what I did get from them. The environment that my family made for me taught me everything that I needed to know to survive in this day and age. I believe that one does not have to be present in the country where he or she was born into to carry on traits and characteristics native to them. I deem that even in the presence of a foreign land with foreign people, key traits can still preserved through the guidance and support of family, most especially the parents. I have learned to interact with my school peers and I learned how to respect our differences and realized that it’s alright to be different. The United States is a place where individuality governs the most and is something that most people are not afraid to show. My experience is something that I believe cannot be taught in the school and is a lifelong experience that I would like to teach my children in the years to come. This is something that they can learn from and incorporate in their daily lives.

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