Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The effects of weather and terrain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The effects of weather and terrain - Essay Example The nature of a given terrain is likely to affect the visibility of certain areas. For instance, highly mountainous areas may not be easily to view. As a result, commanders may need to apply technology to enable viewing of such areas and make their operations possible. Similarly, some areas tend to have very tall trees and thick vegetations which are likely to hinder the visibility of a given region1. Due to the challenges presented by this type of topography the commanders should invest in technology that enables them to avoid such challenges, for instance, satellite. Invisible regions of electromagnetic continuum, magnetic forces as well as radiations affect the means of communication in the context of war. For instance mountainous areas may affect the issue of communication network. In such a case, military commanders are likely to face challenges when giving orders to their forces. As a result, the concept of airmobile has been introduced to overcome the challenge of such terrain s. The transportation of war materials and troops is highly affected by the topography of an area. For instance, areas surrounded by oceans, that is, islands will not favor on-ground transport such as trains. Similarly, landlocked regions do not allow movement of troops by the sea or ocean. Moreover, mountainous areas require physically fit soldiers who can operate in such areas. This is because; the challenge lies in transporting the soldiers up and down in such steep and varied terrains areas as suggested by Keating2. During the civil war, maps on the topography were regularly supplied in order to make operations of the war possible. This is because the presence of inaccurate maps would proof a challenge in planning and coordinating the operations of the war. However, knowledge of topography ensured the union blockade of ports, control of the Mississippi river and control of higher grounds.

Monday, October 28, 2019

In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck explores the idea of the American dream Essay Example for Free

In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck explores the idea of the American dream Essay The story Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck. Although Steinbeck writes the story in the late 1930s, he sets it in California, Soledad, while the Great Depression was being taking place in America, which followed the Stock Market collapse of 1929, and the Californian farmers had little money to spare to pay these itinerant workers. This caused millions of workers to lose their jobs, which lead to poverty and unemployment. A lot of men could not find work and there families suffered evection and starvation. Steinbeck witnessed the hardship around him and his great novels including The Grapes of Wrath and Cannery Row these novels describe life during the Great Depression. Of Mice and Men shows how there were a shortage of work and describe the lives of two itinerant workers, George and Lennie. George and lennie are the two main characters in the book, and showed the relationship between the two friends. George was small and restless; he had a dark face with restless eyes and sharp strong features. He was bright, quick and clever who looks after the mentally disabled strong Lennie. Lennie has a childs mind and is very childlike by wanting to feel soft things. His body is immensely strong and has never learnt how to control his body strength. He is described in terms of an animal because of his strength dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paw. George and Lennie are both workers, moving from ranch-to-ranch searching for jobs in Soledad, which is the Spanish for lonely. In spite of this each worker has a dream. George and lennie like all workers have had a dream too, to live off the fatta the lan, George and Lennies dream was to have a farm and then to do their own thing were no-one can allow to push them around or tell them what to do. All men had a dream similar to this, to own a piece of land of there own, this was something on all workers mind, which kept them going. However the novella ends in tragedy. Steinbeck introduces the main characters, George and Lennie early in the book. It is Friday evening and they are on their way to the ranch in Soledad. When the bus driver drops them off, he doesnt really care. They are shown as victims of society from the beginning of the book, where George and Lennie wanted to be dropped off at the ranch were the bus driver then made them walk ten miles when he said the bus doesnt go round that end, and while the were walking the saw the bus go by which made George very mad. Steinbeck writes that two men emerged from the path and came to the green pool this is the pool of the Salinas River where the novel starts and ends. The two men are described as complete opposites. Lennie was a big man, but had a mind of a child, which he was mentally disabled. George is like a father to him, George expresses Steinbecks attitude towards Lennie as a compassionate and sympathetic person. George and Lennies relationship is of friendship and dependence, although they both depend of each other; it seems at first as if Lennie totally depends on George, this is shown when Lennie panics because he thinks he has lost his work card and his bus tickets he says: George, I aint got mine, I musta lost it where as there relationship is like a parents child relationship. Through the first paragraph George starts telling Lennie about the future and what they want. He tells Lennie in a child like way of that they want to live off the fatta the lan, with a garden and were Lennie can tend the rabbits. Lennie likes hearing this; its like a favorite story where he knows all the words off by heart. In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck explores the idea of the American dream. This idea is still prevalent today where people still have a dream, to do something and it basically means that anybody can make it big in America. This is based on equality and independence and put forward the idea that everybody can get rich, is free and equal regardless of religion, race or country of origin, and also the American dream promises the freedom from persecution. In order to achieve the dream, you have to work hard. Each character had a dream: Curleys dream was to just be stronger than anyone. Which he shows his aggressive behavior towards those weaker than himself. Curleys wife wants to be a film star, which her dream cant happen as she is married to Curley where he doesnt allow her to do or speak to anyone apart from himself. It shows that the marriage has failed, maybe, as he cant satisfy her emotionally or physically. Due to her loneliness she trys to seek attention with other men and cant escape from the sexual image of what other men have of her. Because of the circumstances of her own isolation she therefore cultivates this image as a means of getting noticed, to talk to someone. Candy wants to work on his own land and no one to push him around. Crooks is the only black person on the ranch his dream was also to have his own ranch and no one to tell him what to do and to have no racist comments. So for the ranch workers to get this life they will have to work very hard. However for George and Lennie the dream could only ever be a dream. They want to believe in its reality but it is only ever wishful thinking. George and Lennies dream is all to do with having freedom, to not have to be canned to not work on days they didnt want to. They wanted to work in a place and live in a place that is cosy and have of food. And Lennies dream is to live off the fatta the lan and tend rabbits and other creatures and have a comfortable, rich life where they can have there own independence, but Lennie is volatile, violent, huge and strong. Lennie constantly gets them into trouble, for example: we are first introduced George and Lennie when they flee from weed. Where Lennie was accused of rape but really didnt do anything, as he only grabbed the ladies dress to feel the softness of it. There are number of things to suggest the dream is only ever fantasy. Another thing to support this is that they wanted to re-create happier times when they were younger and part of a family Lennie describes his childhood with aunt ClaraI remember a lady, she gave we mice. In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck shows how the badly the workers were treated in the Great Depression they were at mercy of cruel bosses, which in this state in the book was Curley as he was the bosss son. One key aspect of their dream is that George and Lennie fantasize about better working condition of not getting canned. One thing Steinbeck explains is the basic needs of companionship, loyalty and having something to look forward to, as without any hope of doing something theres nothing to look forward to, and nothing to live for. The notion of all the characters in the novella being lonely victims is emphasized. They all have dreams one character in the book is Candy, he is a nice fella, he had lost his right hand in a farm accident and is reduced work of a ranchswamper. Candy has a dog that he is devoted to. The other ranch worker despite the dog, as he is old and smells very bad, so they confront Candy to let it out of his misery by shooting the dog, this illustrates the harshness of the relationships and the environment of which Steinbeck describes. It also predicts the end of the novel It is only because of Candys offer to join George and Lennie in their dream to buy a ranch that it becomes a possibility of fulfilling their dream. As he said spose I went in with you guys. They fell into a silence. They looked at on another, amazed. This thing they had never really believed in was coming true. Steinbecks portrayal of Lennie is always compassionate but realistic. He is described in terms of an animal because of his strength. Lennie dabbled his paw He shows a victim of mental disabilities who cannot cope in harsh, unfriendly world. The society of the 1930s did not make allowance for the mentally ill. George cares for Lennie but is manipulated by him. Lennie has a huge amount of strength and cannot control himself. He has a tendency to panic, which creates a problem like when he broke Curleys arm as he was trying to struggle out Lennie held on tighter. Lennie never leaves a sight off George but when he is away he tend to get into trouble. Lennie is cunning and aware of this in another sense, and does not and cannot learn from his mistakes and is victim. Another time where he panics was the killing of Curleys wife he didnt mean it he just wanted to feel her hair, he is also selfish in ways as he ended up killing her as she was screaming, and all because that George may tell him off and not let him tend the rabbits. In conclusion the only person who achieves their dream is Lennie, as he dies thinking about their dream where George was reciting it to him at the Salinas River, before he dies knowing that the dream was in his mind. Steinbeck successfully shows the working life of that time and the dreams, of what everyone wanted to be to have a rich, and relaxed life, which people still have that dream today. Steinbecks sympathy and compassion for the characters, evident his storytelling is on their side. The title Of mice and Men links to the poem To a Mouse by Robert burns, he said the best laid schemes o mice and men, gang aft agley. And means no matter how well we may plan the future things often go wrong. And this is where Steinbeck chose this as a title. Steinbecks style is very good and adapts to his subject matter, imagery and dialogue. He tells this story in a convincing way without explaining in detail why everything happened and that it was nobodys fault in particular events and why they turned out as they did.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Essays - Wrinkle in Time :: Wrinkle in Time Essays

  Wrinkle in Time By Madeline L ´Engle In Willstead town, in North Carolina strange things are happening. Do you want to know more? Well in A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, a wonderful writer tells all the weird things that are happening.   The setting of this story is on North Carolina, at the town of Willstead in the year of 2005.   One day Margaret was left by the Aliens when she was two- months old at planet Earth, and was found by the Murrie’s, a nice couple, that had one year of marriage. Several years had passed and Margaret grew up like a normal girl. Now she has twin brothers and a Collie dog. At school everybody thinks that she is a freak, but she is a ten-year-old girl, with beautiful eyes and a lot of intelligence. She is an alien but no one knows not even her. Margaret came to Earth by a computer fraud that caused a wrinkle in time. An old woman called Mrs. Whatsit came to Earth with a job to take Margaret back. She visits Margaret and buys her nice things to win Margaret’s confidence. Mrs. Whatsit lived in the middle of the woods. One day a robbery had been reported to the police. It was a missing blanket and the thief was Mrs. Whatsit because she needed a lot of warmth because planet Earth was too cold for them. The Tesseract that is the name of the species that Margaret and Mrs. Whatsit belong to. At school some rare people that were the same species of Margaret went to do a contest.  Ã‚   Margaret won the contest but this was no contest this were a series of exams that they had to do to Margaret to see if she could live in her home planet and see if she was fit to live there. Mrs. Whatsit was there and after the exams she sat down Margaret and started telling everything about her species and how she got here. At first Margaret didn’t believe it but afterwards she started understanding all the things she had passed through all alone with no one that could understand her. Mrs. Whatsit tells Margaret if she wants to go back where she is supposed to be and she stayed thinking and told her sh e would tell her later. Each day Mrs. Whatsit and Margaret went together to the park and Mrs.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Thousand Splendid Suns Essay

â€Å"Come. There is a way to be good again,† said Rahim Khan to Amir. In the novel the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Amir, the main character, expresses his thoughts and actions due to his baneful choices. The tribulations he faced were all repercussions of the sin committed by his disdainful youth. His sins ravaged the early stages of his life and gave him a troublesome memory full of guilt. As the novel progressed, Amir attempted to disengage the memory of his sin and forget about it. Amir soon faced the long over due road to redemption. Khaled Hosseini’s novel the Kite Runner is about redemption, and that the lifelong pursuit of happiness will never be fulfilled without it. At a young age Amir and Hassan were best friends, even though Amir was roughly expressing it. Amir and Hassan enjoyed many activities together as Khaled expressed in his novel: â€Å"I spent most of the first twelve years of my life playing with Hassan. Sometimes, my entire childhood seems like one long lazy summer day with Hassan, chasing each other between tangles of trees in my father’s yard, playing hide-and-seek, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, insect torture†¦ We saw our first Western together, Rio Bravo with John Wayne, at the Cinema Park†¦,† stated Amir. Amir stated all these â€Å"friend-like† activities, yet witnessed the sexual abuse administered by Assef and his goons on Hassan without a peep from his mouth. At this point Amir’s lust for obtaining the kite, so he could finally enjoy love from his father had over come his friendship. That temporary love given to Amir by his father was enough for Amir to attempt to get rid of Hassan permanently, which worked. Amir’s sin committed in his early years set the stage for the rest of his life, for he would seek redemption for his acts. Many years passed, Amir was on his own now in America, with his wife Soraya that could not bare children. Amir received a call from Rahim Kahn who was dying and wanted a last visit from Amir. Amir had jumped at the chance to visit an old friend/father figure and flew to see Rahim. Little did Amir know he was about to face all of the tribulations he had seemed to forget of his past ten fold. Rahim Khan reveals â€Å"Hassan, Amir’s childhood friend, the presumed son of the family servant was in reality, Amir’s half-brother, his father’s illegitimate son with Ali’s wife. † He also reveals that the prolonged redemption is just around the Taliban by saving Amir’s half-nephew Sohrab (Hassan’s son) from Kabul. Amir was in a state of confusion, he expressed his plead to Rahim: â€Å"I can’t go to Kabul,† I had said to Rahim Khan. â€Å"I have a wife in America, a home, a career, and a family. † But how could I pack up and go and go back home when my actions may have caused Hassan a chance at those very same things (talking to himself)? I wished Rahim Khan hadn’t called me. I wished he had let me live on in my oblivion. But he had called me. And what Rahim Khan revealed to me changed things. Made me see how my entire life†¦had been a cycle of lies, betrayal, and deceit. ‘There is a way to be good again’ he’d said. Thus started Amir’s road to redemption. Amir searched through Kabul for Sohrab and an orphanage leader had stated that Sohrab had been sold to a Taliban leader. The Taliban Leader who showboated John Lennon glasses and conducted the stoning ceremony at halftime of the soccer game was the man that Amir had to speak with. As Amir conversed with the Taliban lead he learned of his cruel ways of massacring the Hazaras. Then the Taliban leader revealed, â€Å"What did you think? That you’d put on a fake beard and I wouldn’t recognize you? †¦ I never forget a face. Not ever. † The Taliban revealed himself as Assef, Amir’s childhood enemy. Assef created an ordeal stating that if Amir were to overcome him in a blood brawl, then Sohrab would be Amir’s boy to take. Assef completely demolished Amir by breaking several ribs with his brass knuckles. Amir was barely able to stand, but he withheld the beating for he knew that destiny had brought him to this moment. The moment came when Sohrab had pierced Assef’s eye and he and Amir escaped. Amir had finally accomplished his self-turmoil and had almost completed his redemption by saving his half-brother’s son, and almost dying for him. Amir knew that he had to adopt Sohrab when they got back to a safe haven. This caused some trouble with the embassy for they required legal documents of the orphaned child. Sohrab believed that there was no possible way for him to come to America and he did not want to return to an orphanage, so he attempted suicide. Amir had gone through a father’s worst nightmare when he thought his soon to be adopted son would die. Sohrab survived though, leaving a reckless, unrighteous Muslim, self- centered Amir behind. Amir’s pursuit of happiness was fulfilled as he and his son were flying kites in America. He had redeemed himself as he said to Sohrab, â€Å"Do you want me to run that kite for you? †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦A nod from Sohrab†¦ â€Å"For you, a thousand times over,† and a smile cracked open on Sohrab’s face.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Markets and Investors value stocks Essay

Collectively, Team B believes stock is a security that shows possession in a company or asset and symbolizes claim from investors or the owner. The market and invests are interested in two types of stocks which are common and preferred. Common stock typically gives a share of ownership in a corporation, to which gives owners and investors rights to vote or make decisions, and a right to receive dividends. Preferred stock, gives no decision-making or voting rights, but has a greater return on assets and earnings to investors than the common shares. When preferred stocks are purchased, the investor has an expectation when dividends are to be received because of the regular intervals they are paid. With common stocks, the board of directors determines if a dividend will be paid or not. When evaluating stocks, there are two key variables, which are profitability and growth (Mcconnache, 2007). Stock ownership is decided by the quantity of shares a shareowner has comparative to the quantit y of outstanding shares. When appraising stocks, a valuation should include all risk, expansion plans and a strategy to diversify. With Internet technology investors have a considerable amount of resources to measure the profitability of stocks. This technology allows investors to aggressively and vigorously searches for corporations that can provide a high return on investment. Investors should be interested in the future growth of a corporation vice only considering the present day value. New ideas should be considered a strategy when estimating the future growth and profitability of a stock cash flow (â€Å"How To Value A Stock†, 2009). The market has a tremendous effect on the value of a stock and its profitability through supply and demand. The market has the abilities to determine when to allocate resources to adjust the supply and  demand. When that shift happens it regulate the increase or decrease of the stock price in the market. The stock market can undervalue a stock for countless intention such as dividends, earnings, and sales. These intensions attract investor that anticipates purchasing stocks prior to the market snowballing the prices. When investors find it safe or feel knowledgeable about the stock or market, and understand the rules governing the market are fair, it grows at a faster pace (â€Å"How To Value A Stock†, 2009). Even through the stock market can seen intimidating, there are safeguards for investors, which are the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). SEC controls and develops laws and regulations that govern the securities industry and NASD manages added regulations and put in force federal securities acts. These two organizations provide investor protection and allow an even playing to all. Conclusion Markets and investor evaluate stocks from many different perspectives before making a decision to invest. Many factors to include political, economical, social & cultural and technology influences how a stock can generate revenue for an investor. Moreover, Present Value and Future Value are also methods investors used to determine an valuations of stocks for profitability. Reference Mcconnache, S. (2007). How to Do A Basic Stock Evaluation. Retrieved from How to Value a Stock. (2009). Retrieved from http://www/ Parrino, R., Kidwell, D.S., & Bates, T.W. (2012). Fundamentals of corporate finance (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Godiva Chocolatier and Godiva Gems Essays

Godiva Chocolatier and Godiva Gems Essays Godiva Chocolatier and Godiva Gems Paper Godiva Chocolatier and Godiva Gems Paper Godiva Chocolatier and Godiva Gems 1) Define the product offered by Godiva. Identify the different levels of the product. Discuss the attempts made by the management to come up with augmented product. Godiva brand works very hard, trying to present to their customers all the best, the highest and premium quality in Belgium chocolates, and also is important to know that all this chocolates are handcrafted. Looking to achieve all their goals the company makes and sells lots of delights like for example bonbons, truffles, flavored coffee, cocoa mixes, cookies, ice creams, and liqueurs. Godiva is well known in nearly all over the world and has always been an admired brand by its golden boxes. These golden boxes are the best of the company, but sometimes its price could be so expensive and not everybody could enjoy with the Godiva chocolate, so that were the main reason for Godiva in 2009 to go mass market and introduce a lower-priced line named Godiva gems, a new line of chocolate more affordable or accessible. 2) Do you think that the Godiva brand could be damaged after the introduction of the new product to the lower end of the market? Do you see any risk of annibalization of this line extension for the existing product line? Why or why not? Discuss. : We dont think that the new line of chocolates introduced by the company, Godiva Gems, could be damaged, because, how we can read in the text, Godiva is not abandoning the high-end market, we think that the new line isnt cannibalization case we can understand that this position is the best way to be a good known brand, and by this way everybody can known the name of GODIVA and the quality of its product, its the best thing to achieve, almost everybody who like chocolate, the most ccessible product, try and enjoy this chocolates and if these customers like Godiva gems, for sure they are going to continue buying Godiva gems, and later the possible option could be start trying the other highest lines of the brand. For us, the strategy of extend the brand isnt risky, its a new challenge and opportunity to be good know. The key to be successful could be maintain the highest lines, the main reason why Godiva is well known, at the same time that it is trying to approach to the mass market an d dont lose the quality of the chocolate. ) Is Godiva Gems an international or a global product/brand? Discuss whether the brand holds global brand characteristics. Like we read in this case the company aims to position its brand image through an international name in the regional and global markets. The company already dominates the Turkish market and exports its products internationally to more than 95 countries and we also can say that nowadays the company is taking serious step global brand, could be for example because presently Godiva s products are available worldwide in over 80 countries around the world, at 450 exclusive Godiva tores as well as at finer department and specialty stores. The company also issues mail-order catalogs in North America and accepts phone and internet orders. 4) What are the possible impacts of the country-of-origin and packaging in motivating consumers to purchase Godiva chocolates? At first we think that Godiva s country-or-origin is a very motivating factor for the company, because everybody knows about the quality of the Belgiums chocolates, knows, in general, maybe as the best in Europe, so this increase the value of Godiva hocolate, and in another hand, the packaging also is a good contribution for customers to purchase Godiva s chocolates case this brand uses to have very attractive ones, but they also may take care because the packaging could increase a lot the price of the chocolate, it may be in the right measure. 5) Godiva is entering new markets like China and Turkey. What strategy would you offer to the company in its global product planning decisions in terms of standardization versus adaptation? We think that the company shouldnt change it strategy, because with the strategy hat they follow in the rest of the countries it has lot of successful, so that why isnt necessary a change, if this strategy works all over the word why it is not going to do the same in these countries?. In the other hand we thing that the company should focus the strategy in adaptation, because is the best way to have customers for sure, if people like Godiva and they entrust with the brand, they are not going to be worried about looking for other chocolates brand. We dont believe in the standardization of Godiva products because maybe if we do that, our chocolates could stopped and dont be specials.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Doctor Visit with Troubling Symptoms (ESL Dialogue)

Doctor Visit with Troubling Symptoms (ESL Dialogue) Some Troubling Symptoms Patient: Good afternoon. Doctor: Good afternoon. Have a seat. So, what have you come in for today?Patient: Thank you. Im feeling ill, Ive got quite a bad cough, but I dont seem to have a fever. Doctor: I see. How long have you had these symptoms?Patient: Oh, Ive had the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just these past few days. Doctor: Are you having any other problems?Patient: Well, Ive got a headache. Ive also had a little bit of diarrhea. Doctor: Do you produce any phlegm when coughing?Patient: Sometimes, but its usually pretty dry. Doctor: Do you smoke?Patient: Yes, a few cigarettes a day. Certainly no more than a half a pack a day. Doctor: How about allergies? Do you have any allergies?Patient: Not that Im aware of. Doctor: Does your head feel stuffy?Patient: Yes, for the past few days. Doctor: OK. Now lets have a look. Could you please open your mouth and say ah? Key Vocabulary symptomsto feel illcoughfeverto have a coughheadachediarrheaphlegmto coughallergystuffyto feel stuffy More English for Medical Purposes Dialogues Troubling Symptoms - Doctor and PatientJoint Pain - Doctor and PatientA Physical Examination - Doctor and PatientPain that Comes and Goes - Doctor and PatientA Prescription - Doctor and PatientFeeling Queasy - Nurse and PatientHelping a Patient - Nurse and PatientPatient Details - Administration Staff and Patient More Dialogue Practice - Includes level and target structures / language functions for each dialogue.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Non-Profit Content Marketing Became a Year-Long Internal Win

How Non-Profit Content Marketing Became a Year-Long Internal Win We usually look at blogging and content marketing as an external benefit. It brings in traffic, creates our platform, establishes our expertise, and hopefully generates leads. But we cant forget: blogging is  for the writer  as much as it is for the reader. I hadnt considered how that would also apply to a team, and not just the individual. I was surprised to learn how non-profit content marketing could benefit an organization internally. I spoke with Scott from the North Dakota Interagency Program for Assistive Technology  (NDIPAT), a non-profit organization that matches people with disabilities with technology that can help them live life independently. Recently, their entire team took on the challenge of executing a content marketing plan for a year. How did that year turn out? I sat down with him and asked him about their journey, and their progress. Julie: Was it difficult to get your team to blog? Scott: Not really. We all knew the importance of blogging. Plus wed been doing a newsletter for a long time – bi-monthly over ten years – so this was a natural transition for us. Blogging lets us get more content out more regularly. The biggest challenge is that we have five bloggers spread out in two geographic locations. We dont really have a difficult time coming up with ideas. Narrowing down ideas is where its hard. Were trying to get the right content mix for the blog. Julie: What have you seen happen with your team as you worked on blogging together? Scott: From our standpoint, blogging provides a way for us to research topics, and understand things better.  It gives us an internal resource to go back to for reference. One person does the work of researching and writing a post, and we all benefit from it. Our entire team is building a great resource to use. Our blog is right up at the top, now. Weve been holding steady with our content. Julie: What are the success youre seeing from your blogging? Scott: There have been several instances of people contacting us about something they read on our blog, saying that they didnt know there was a solution for them until they read our blog posts. People have also called us and asked us questions based on blog posts. Were being more proactive as far as assistive technology within the state, in terms of how were blogging. One state does a podcast that they are known for, but their blogging is lessening. Our blog is right up at the top, now. Weve been holding steady with our content. SEO is important, too, and consistently our blog posts are up at the top on general key terms in the assistive technology field. Hitting the first or second page within a few days of a post going live is a big deal, I think. It means Google is coming back often if its appearing that soon. Hitting the first or second page within a few days of a post going live is a big deal. Julie: Do you ever consider not blogging any more? Scott: Weve never thought about stopping blogging, though weve changed our frequency, from three posts to two posts per week, due to staff changes. I dont know if well go back to three, but weve never considered ending our blogging. Its not an option. When we started, we were going to do a year for sure, and now that weve done that, and written over 100 posts, were going to keep going. Its just too valuable to stop, especially internally. It really is. Its almost like continuing education for you and your staff. Each writer has to do the research and writing, and then let the rest of staff read it. Its a professional growth piece for our staff, each time they write a blog post. With our field the way it is, our research happens online. Thats where the information is at, and its vast–no one has the same disability and needs. Individuals are unique, so finding a solution is unique. Thats why finding information and being able to share it is important. We can cover topics from so many angles for a larger audience.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Terrorism Causes, Motivations and Reccomendations Essay

Terrorism Causes, Motivations and Reccomendations - Essay Example 81). Terrorist entails any plan to raise unnecessary fears and exert economic social and economic control. Being a global issue, the understanding of the main motivators and causes of the attack is critical and necessary as it can help in offering an effective solution to the problem. Therefore, the attack in Floola can be squarely associated with existing cordial relationship of Floola with United States of America as well as wayward individual beliefs and religious extremism. Moreover, adequate understanding of individual, groups/ national issues as well as international stages can aid in reducing the ever increasing terrorism impacts. Terrorism: Causes and Motivations In the analysis of terrorist attacks in Floola, it is complex to draw a line between the causes, motivations, and reasons behind these attacks. The four facets of terrorism are intertwined and it may be hard to distinguish. The motivations and causes of terrorist attacks in Floola can be studied in three main stages, international, national or group level as well as individual level (Yaqub, 2005, p. 67). Individual Causes Referring to the theory of frustration-aggression, terrorist aggressions are driven by the existing discrepancies between human demands and fulfillment of the demands. In most cases, terrorist groups address their unfulfilled demands through such activities as physical and psychological violence. The attack in Floola may be influenced by a need to fulfill unmet needs and for identity purposes. Conventionally, terrorists are absolutely loyal to their sponsoring networks and willing to commit crimes of any nature to protect their religion, language, native homeland, and group membership. Mostly, families affiliated to terrorist networks are held hostage to affirm their commitment to the group. Therefore, the attack in Floola can as well be associated with an attempt to protect the Muslim religion in the country. Additionally, terrorist group leaders are often driven by extremist political ambitions. A good number of terrorists or terrorism sponsors have made prosperous transition from terrorist group leaders to political leaders. These leaders are well educated and have prosperous families and intra-global investments networks. As a result, these leaders may have used their political powers, flourishing business connections and intelligence to motivate terrorist attack in Floola. National or Group Level Terrorism Specified groups, national institutions and social systems play a critical role in provoking terrorist activities. Frustrations caused by increasing basic need deprivations at individual level can lead to creation of criminal organizations (Shchedrovitsky, 2005, p. 89). The emergence of modern terrorist attacks can historically be likened to the emergence of liberal states. This is due to the fact that, most of the anarchist terrorists are mostly associated with â€Å"Propaganda of the Deed†. Terrorism in Floola can be taken as advocacy act ivities for propagating anarchist message to the general public by creating terror on the people and the government to create a socio-political insecurity in the country. Religious beliefs also play an exceptionally essential role in the promotion, motivation, legitimization and increasing the intensity of criminal activities in the world. In the case of Floola, religious beliefs may have contributed and legitimized the attack through imposition of religious ideologies,

Report---Morrisons Supermarkets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Report---Morrisons Supermarkets - Essay Example It also has a long standing management team to support such expansion. The level of service it gives to the customers is also high. The internal weakness of the company is that it is dependent on the market of UK. It is also uncertain over the long term acquisitions it has undertaken. It has a lower quality of Safeway estate. Their business model is very labour intensive. The external opportunities which the company now faces are the diversification of its business into new market. It has generated synergies through Safeway merger. Another opportunity facing the company is their expansion through online medium. It has decided to increase operations online. The Morrison faces many threats from its surrounding environments like Price wars. It is quite possible for its main competitors to engage in price wars. The UK grocery industry is undergoing a change and the company also need to adapt to the change. Hence if the company can’t take advantage of this position it will lose out in the market. Next the macroeconomic forces affect the company. Political forces which affect the company are changes in government policies like taxation polices. Any change of it will minimise the profit margins for the company in such competitive environment. The economic forces which affect them are their local suppliers of the products like meat etc. which keeps control over the quality of the food. Another advantage which the company have is that it helps to keep the prices in check. Morrison has launched a way of recognising a colleague’s job profile by giving National Qualified Certificate. This is their way of changing the lifestyle of the employees. They have also launched a campaign aimed â€Å"Let’s Grow† which provides free gardening equipment to the local schools so that a healthy social balance in the society can be maintained. The IT infrastructure of Safeway was down-graded and hence it needs to improve on it. Morrison faces legal risk with re spect to the government policies regarding pollution control. It is a limited liability company and hence has to follow the legal way of doing business according to the companies Act. The company also has to take care of the environmental aspects like using long-life reusable bags instead of the free non –degradable plastic bags. As far as the financial performance of the company is concerned the revenues has increased by over 7 percent in 2011 while the gross profit has increased by around 6% in 2011. The operating profits have increased by around 7.60% in 2011 which is more than the increase in is gross profit. Hence the company has been able to decrease the operating costs. CW2 Executive Summary In United Kingdom the supermarket chain store is on rise. In this report we will take a look at one such supermarket store named Morrison Supermarket. We will take a look at the marketing strategies of the company which it used employed in their normal course of business. Being a g rocery store it has to continuously change its marketing strategy to keep in line with the other competitors. We will also look at the different models like BCG and Ansoff and analyse the ways used to employ their marketing strategies. Lastly we will take a look at the other strategies the company can employ to further increase their business growth. Contents Executive Summary 4 Contents 5 Introduction 6 Analysis and Critical evaluation of Morrison’s Supermarkets 6 Analysis of Strategic Direction of Morrison’

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Marketing - Assignment Example It was started in 1940 by Dick and Mac McDonald as the drive-in McDonald’s Bar-B-Q restaurant in California, with the current restaurant format debuting in 1948 at the same location. In 1949, it introduced its legendary French Fries and Triple Thick Milkshakes. In 1954, the company franchised for the first time through Ray Kroc, which marked the beginning of rapid expansion of its business. In just four years, it expanded from 100 outlets in 1959 to 500 outlets in 1963. It went public in 1965 and began international operations in Canada in 1967. By 1983, McDonald’s operated 7778 outlets and as of 2011, it operates 34000 outlets in 118 countries around the world, of which 80% are franchised (McDonald’s, 2013a; McDonald’s, 2013b). It has 1.8 million employees and is listed in all major stock exchanges such as, NYSE and LSE (NYSE Euronext, 2012; London Stock Exchange plc, 2013). McDonald’s offers a variety of products in its home country of U.S such as , hamburgers, sandwiches, wraps, fried chicken items, salads, oatmeal breakfast, burritos, hotcakes, French fries, coffee, smoothies, yogurt, milkshakes, juices, ice cream, pies and cookies. Most of the products are available worldwide, with a few exceptions. On the other hand, it offers regional products in various countries that are not available in the U.S. Some of the country-specific products include McArabia wrap in the Middle East, McSpicy Paneer burger in India and Bubur Ayam chicken porridge in Indonesia (McDonald’s, 2013c; McDonald’s, 2013d; McDonald'sâ„ ¢ India, 2013a; McDonald's Indonesia, 2013). Rationale behind internationalization Since its inception, profit maximization was one of the prime motives of the business model, besides gaining maximum market share and attaining a vast service network. Throughout its history, McDonald’s Corporation received a hugely positive reception and enjoyed a virtually competition-free environment during its gro wth, with the only direct competitor being White Castle that operated since 1921. The global influence of U.S. and the American culture being perceived as the right way of life also triggered a positive brand image of the company outside U.S., even before it began international operations. Thus, the rationale behind internationalization of McDonald’s Corporation can be summarized as profit maximization, market share maximization, making good use of the positive brand image created internationally and gaining first mover’s advantage in foreign countries. Today, the company operates in 118 countries and is considered as a symbol of American culture (McDonald’s, 2013a; White Castle Management Co., 2013). Mode of entry in foreign countries The different modes of entry that are available to a company are exporting products and distributing through a regional outlet, contracting another company to set up the complete business infrastructure for the entering company in exchange for a fee (known as a turn-key project), teaming up with a local partner to jointly share investments and profits (known as joint

Abortion is it The Right Thing to Do Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Abortion is it The Right Thing to Do - Essay Example In the USA, the debate is predominantly between pro-life and pro-choice groups, which oppose and support abortion respectively. The contention in this paper will be to examine both sides of the debate with the intention to determine which side has a more solid argument on the matter. Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, its opponents have brought forward several arguments to protest against it, most of them being based on moral and religious as well as health grounds, and many of these have been and are still quite compelling. One of the most common arguments against abortion is that it is tantamount to murder,and inducing an abortioninvolves ending a human life; this is because most anti-abortionists mostly hold that life begins at conception. Pro-life groups often cite the fact that since there have been over 52 million abortions in the USA alone over the last forty years, abortion has quintessentially claimed more lives than most of the wars in modern times. As such, it is argued that those who procure and provide abortions are in essence conspirators in murder and should get the same treatment meted out to convicted murders. In addition, another reason why abortion is opposed is the danger involved in its procurement, owing to the fact that there are many parts of the world where abortion is either illegal or the facilities are not available. In addition, in comparison with other medical procedures, abortion is often unregulated, and as a result there are many instances of botched up abortions leading to severe complications, especially when it is procured illegally by unqualified personal (Vlassoff et al. 114). Despite the fact that abortions carried out legally and by qualified medical professionals are considered generally safe, it is estimated that since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 347 women have been killed while undergoing abortion. It has also been speculated that abortion increases one’s risks of getting breast cancer by at least 50 percent in addition to being possible cause of complications and difficulty when giving birth in future. However, as long as abortion is legal and carried out in health facilities, women are informed of all the potential side effects before they agree to the procedure. That way they make an informed decision out of their own free will in more or less the same way the government respects smokers’ right to smoke despite the potential risks (Kilerbert). Pro-lifers have also been very vocal in propagating the argument that abortion is offensive to God, and since he is the only one who can create life, he should be the only one who can take it away; therefore, abortionists try to play God, which is both immoral and sinful. As aforementioned, several of the arguments put forward in opposition of abortion are actually quite tenable; however, they do not tell the whole story and many of them, especially the ones based on religion and morality, are highly subjective and often emotional. For instance, despite the beliefs of several religious organizations that abortion is illegal and despite the fact that none of the religiou s books such as the Bible or the Koran mentions it, not everyone comes from the same religious background or is a believer at all. As such, arguing

Thursday, October 17, 2019

All dance is narrative not only in its presentation but also in its Essay

All dance is narrative not only in its presentation but also in its form, its technique and its ways of continuing its lineage - Essay Example (The library of Congress, 2008). With time this evolved as a narrative tool. However, the narration was limited to the presentation of the dance. However in the nineteenth century, the art of dancing was more popularized through literatures. The influence of the popularization of music also contributed to the popularity of dance. Many other factors like an improvisation of the women’s role in the society and the strengthening of their physical activeness towards the beginning of the twentieth century were also influential in the development of social dance styles (The library of Congress, 2008). With this, techniques specific to different kind of dances evolved and were standerdised. Gradually these techniques became so expressive that these within itself tuned out to be narrative in nature. An good example to this is the evoloution of social dancing. The arena of social dancing emphasizes on the sociability of the art than on set rules and competition. The inclusiveness is the basic principle adhering to the social style of dancing and is not performance oriented. This style of dancing more relies on the spontaneity in accordance to the situation than on the rules and regulations. However the various disciples with in the social dancing style share some universal principles. It is creative, spontaneous, coordinated and conventional in terms of these principles (Renzland P, 2008). Some of the social dances which are popular in America today are Break Dancing, Alpine, Hip Hop Dancing, Argentine Tango, Balboa, Cajun, Ceili(dh), Charleston, Circle Mixers, Contra, Hambo, Irish Set, Lindy Hop, Old-Time-Waltz, Polka, Ragtime, Scandinavian, Scottish (Country/Folk) Dancing, Square, Vintage, Zwiefache and Zydeco. In short, it is the style of dance which connects the art form wit h the common public.Here the techniques of dancing in terms of these

Energy Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Energy Security - Essay Example It is an effective strategy too because it would help countries to venture into newer energies, since the coal, oil, and gas resources are highly depleting. It does not come as a shock, because most developing countries may lack the power to acquire nuclear energy, but at least have and are aware of other alternative energy sources. According to Gallagher, China’s concern on environmental problems has pushed it to pursue renewable energy; it has so far acted towards ethanol production, and progressively installed small hydropower, solar hot water, and installed wind capacity to add up what accounts from existing hydropower and nuclear energy (n.d.). The adjustments need investment, further research, and early planning to ensure countries develop with uninterrupted energy supply in future. It is a challenge for developed, emerging, and third world nations, if responsibility of safe environment and sustainable energies and development should be given priority. Addressing pattern s of consumption: The amount of energy consumed and carbon emissions in any given country varies with the population, industries, and available forms of energy. China and India have very high populations and have been very active to alleviate poverty and inequality in their nations through further industrial development. As such, with the very high consumption of coal energy in China, the more inevitable the carbon emission remains. This demonstrates that even as international and national policies lay strategies to control consumption, it can only be achieved if the locals and individuals act towards it (Parker, Scott, and Rowlands, n.d.). The developed nations do not have the world’s largest population, yet they are the highest consumers of energy resources;... Addressing patterns of consumption: The amount of energy consumed and carbon emissions in any given country varies with the population, industries, and available forms of energy. China and India have very high populations and have been very active to alleviate poverty and inequality in their nations through further industrial development. As such, with the very high consumption of coal energy in China, the more inevitable the carbon emission remains. This demonstrates that even as international and national policies lay strategies to control consumption, it can only be achieved if the locals and individuals act towards it (Parker, Scott, and Rowlands, n.d.). The developed nations do not have the world’s largest population, yet they are the highest consumers of energy resources; developing nations on the other hand, have large population sizes that with rapid developments, the world natural resources would be stripped away quickly in their demand for energy. The UK’s pop ulation is relatively small and besides investing in renewable energies and nuclear power, the country has invested in research for carbon and capture storage (CCS) technology, which if successful, would boost energy security by reviving coal energy (Department of Energy & Climate Change, 2013). Governments policies and incentives have to be strict, especially in industries of developing nations with respect to how they consume energy.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

All dance is narrative not only in its presentation but also in its Essay

All dance is narrative not only in its presentation but also in its form, its technique and its ways of continuing its lineage - Essay Example (The library of Congress, 2008). With time this evolved as a narrative tool. However, the narration was limited to the presentation of the dance. However in the nineteenth century, the art of dancing was more popularized through literatures. The influence of the popularization of music also contributed to the popularity of dance. Many other factors like an improvisation of the women’s role in the society and the strengthening of their physical activeness towards the beginning of the twentieth century were also influential in the development of social dance styles (The library of Congress, 2008). With this, techniques specific to different kind of dances evolved and were standerdised. Gradually these techniques became so expressive that these within itself tuned out to be narrative in nature. An good example to this is the evoloution of social dancing. The arena of social dancing emphasizes on the sociability of the art than on set rules and competition. The inclusiveness is the basic principle adhering to the social style of dancing and is not performance oriented. This style of dancing more relies on the spontaneity in accordance to the situation than on the rules and regulations. However the various disciples with in the social dancing style share some universal principles. It is creative, spontaneous, coordinated and conventional in terms of these principles (Renzland P, 2008). Some of the social dances which are popular in America today are Break Dancing, Alpine, Hip Hop Dancing, Argentine Tango, Balboa, Cajun, Ceili(dh), Charleston, Circle Mixers, Contra, Hambo, Irish Set, Lindy Hop, Old-Time-Waltz, Polka, Ragtime, Scandinavian, Scottish (Country/Folk) Dancing, Square, Vintage, Zwiefache and Zydeco. In short, it is the style of dance which connects the art form wit h the common public.Here the techniques of dancing in terms of these

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Case Study - Essay Example Regarding health care, the country has five primary care providers. From these five primary care providers, only one specializes in geriatric care and there is one 54-bed long-term nursing care facility located in the northern region. There is no public transit system because of rural roads. However, residents may call a hospital shuttle program if they need transportation to a physicians appointment. Mr. Thompson, a nurse in community health, and his committee are aware that as the baby-boomer population ages, health care professionals need to prepare for a rapid increase in the number of people older than 65 years of age. The committees purpose is to make suggestions to the health department and county officials about how to prepare for the influx in health services that will be needed for these older adults. For Mr. Thompson to assess the communitys knowledge and beliefs, values and sentiments, goals and perceived needs, norms, problem-solving processes, power, leadership, and influence structures, he should engage in personal interactions with the people in the community. He can do this while attending community events from which he knew interactions will happen. Taking down notes while or after conversing with community members can also be a good method. Aside from interactions or interviews, he could also acquire available written records which might be helpful or may serve as support in his data generation. To maintain an analytical edge during data generation, his self-conscious, reflexive effort will be needed. He should also be mindful with the objective of his study and ensure its congruence with the data that he is generating (Allen and Lyne,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Place like home Essay Example for Free

Place like home Essay They say that there is no place like home. I could not agree more. Simplicity and respectfulness towards others are the key characteristics that I believe I have acquired in my home. Although at this point in my life I have been living long enough in the United States for it not to be foreign for me, I know deep inside my heart my home is still with Tibet. My parents have built a home that is affectionate, cozy, and has faith. We moved here in the United State when I was three years old, but to me it did not seem like I moved away from my motherland. My parents made it a point that I still develop and possess Tibetan characteristics that will make me stronger and impenetrable to unwanted experiences. My parents taught me that even though life is hard, as they were immigrants trying to adapt the American way of life, they will get by if they have the support of family. They never kept anything from me. I learned of their hardships and I kept these experiences with me. I wanted to learn how to adapt to the new environment myself and with my parent’s experiences as my guide. Seeing how my parents flourished in spite and despite of the challenges they faced everyday made me believe that nothing is impossible with faith and determination. Just like my parents, I am determined to be successful and to overcome any obstacles that I face. I kept the religious side of me because it has been one of my pillars ever since time immemorial. Faith has kept me going and this is another one of the most valuable lesson that I learned from my family, I know that my thoughts and my beliefs are much more conservative than others, but this I do not regret. It is with these characteristics that I learned to respect other people’s beliefs and I learned to understand this too. In the same way that they respect me and my own religion I also respect theirs. All of these I learned from my parent’s humble ways. Never did I hear from them any complaints about our ethnicity or about how hard they worked. Only do I hear about their success and their determination to give me a beautiful life. A simple yet fulfilling and beautiful life is what I did get from them. The environment that my family made for me taught me everything that I needed to know to survive in this day and age. I believe that one does not have to be present in the country where he or she was born into to carry on traits and characteristics native to them. I deem that even in the presence of a foreign land with foreign people, key traits can still preserved through the guidance and support of family, most especially the parents. I have learned to interact with my school peers and I learned how to respect our differences and realized that it’s alright to be different. The United States is a place where individuality governs the most and is something that most people are not afraid to show. My experience is something that I believe cannot be taught in the school and is a lifelong experience that I would like to teach my children in the years to come. This is something that they can learn from and incorporate in their daily lives.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Natural Religion Versus Revealed Religion Philosophy Essay

Natural Religion Versus Revealed Religion Philosophy Essay Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is a religious philosophical work of the Scottish philosopher David Hume.  It is about the fight the three characters of Cleanthes, Philo and Demea about the nature of Gods existence. Hume began the process of dialogue later than in 1750, it was published only in 1779. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, religion, philosophical works of David Hume, were published posthumously 1779.  The work is written as a fictional dialogue between the three main characters Cleanthes, Philo and Demea. Cleanthes argues for the existence of God.  He stresses the teleological sense, for example, that the worlds effectiveness suggests an intelligent designer. Demea can rather be characterized as a mystic, who claims that God is beyond reason.  The main reason for that belief is an internal feeling or certainty.  However, Demea is trying, at one point, to defend a version of the cosmological proof of God. Philo is the most skeptical of the three, and probably the most often seems to reflect the Humes own point of view, as described in Humes Dialogues as Philosophy of Science. Conversations about religion in the Dialogue concerning Natural Religion, is the literature on philosophy by the Scottish philosopher David Hume.  The publication consults together with three characters- Demea, Philo and Cleanthes, the nature of religion and the existence of God.  They all agree that God exists, but disagree on the nature and properties, and that they can ever gain knowledge of the gods.  Among the things they talk about is the design rationale for the existence of God. Hume started writing the Dialogues on religion in 1750, but did not finish with them until 1776, shortly before he died.  The publication is based in part on the publication of Cicero De Natura Deorum (On the nature of the Gods).  Conversations about religion came to Hume, after he died in 1779. 3. Give a complete account of the Argument from Design as stated by Cleanthes. In part I, the skepticism is discussed, which is made strong by Philo.  Cleanthes, however, rejects the global skepticism because it was not for pragmatic reasons, could be represented.  In Part II to VIII, the argument was put forward by Cleanthes, as the argument from design was discussed. Cleanthes believes that the world has similarity with the products of human activity and could be seen as a great machine.  Since similar effects could also lead to similar effects, it is permissible to infer by analogy that God to the man is similar.  God is a kind of exaggerated human being is, however, better and probably also was distinguished by the usual attributes of immortality, omnipotence, omniscience and benevolence. Thus, represented by Cleanthes anthropomorphism is criticized by the other two severely and extensively.  Demea calls for the incomprehensibility of God, pointing to the weak nature of the human spirit, which is composed of variable and  Philo designs also a long list of alternative conclusions, and describes the world that could not be excluded by Cleanthes: his argument still leaves many gods instead of one, also could the world be regarded as good as an animal, which enables a completely different description of God.  He also puts forward a variant of the theory of nature, passes after a series of finite worlds to each other the momentum of change.  In this theory, he is already approaching the Hume to as yet unknown theory of evolution.  Cleanthes can be traced from Philo provoking presentations and throws out any of his theories of the world, which were produced exactly as it is of necessity.  This philosophy applies, however, against the design argument for which th is is true either.  At the end of Part VIII, he claimed that there was the reluctance of any appeal, the only tenable position, as stated in How David Humes Critique of the Design Argument Survives for Three Centuries. Two of the experts involved in the dialogues represent two major trends of the Century of Enlightenment in the discussion of natural religion: one, Cleanthes, is a deist, a theist or perhaps better, not only argues for the existence of God but also of  His providence, the other Demea, is a defender of orthodox Christianity.  The third, Philo is the fencing of the skeptical point of view.  The theist Cleanthes claims arrogantly that the power of human reason is sufficient to reach, drawing on the experience of the world and the logic of the arguments, the authors knowledge of the universe.  The orthodox Demea insists, that it is not the strength, but the weakness of a man, and his reason which brings us to the infinity of God and his mysteries.  The skeptic Philo sometimes slyly encourages optimism for the Cleanthes and other pessimism of Demea, thus provoking the confrontation between the two.  This strategy paves the way to defending their thesis of the triumph of mode rate skepticism concerning natural religion.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Women in the Military :: Women in Military Essays

Women now comprise 14 percent of the active-duty Armed Forces of the United States. That figure is up from 1.6 percent 25 years ago (Christian Science Monitor 1998:20). In 1948, President Truman signed the Women's Armed Services Integration Act which formalized the role of women in the military. Under the law, each branch of the service was allowed to appoint one woman Colonel (Byfield, 1998:02). Now, there are numerous women who serve as Generals and Admirals. They comprise all components of the forces including serving in combat units and aboard ships. It is hard to measure whether their integration into the services has been a success or a hindrance. Generally, when looking at the issue, one should consider the effect of the integration on defense readiness, unit cohesion and morale. The contributions of women to defense readiness are in a number of areas. Women occupy diverse positions in the armed forces. A large percentage of women work in the areas of health care, administration, personnel, and supply. In fact 44 % of all women in the military serve in the health care field (Rabkin, 1999). More and more women are entering nontraditional fields such as aviation, surface warfare, air traffic control and field artillery (Rabkin, 1999). From 1992 to 1998, for example, the number of marine flight officers and pilots increased from 0 to 62 (Rabkin, 1999). Similarly, the number of enlisted army women in field artillery increased from 32 to 122 during the period 1992 to 1998 (Rabkin1999). Basic training for women has been an ongoing issue for the military in terms of physical readiness. Military experts think that softening the training for women fails to transform them into physically fit, skilled soldiers who are supposed to be prepared for the demands of duty. They also think that accommodating women undermines the warrior spirit that draws young men to the military. The dropout rate for women is higher than for men. This can be attributed to the demands of physical readiness and coed training. Women fail to fulfill their commitments to serve in the military in all branches of the military. Leading the dropout rates are white women with an average rate of 43%, followed by black women at 33% and Hispanic women with 31% (Park, 1999:08). The possibility of women becoming prisoners of war is evident. One case in point is that of Melissa Rathbun-Nealy a military trained truck driver.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Effects of Watching Reality Tv

Aaliyah Tate English 105 Ms. LoBosco Effect of Reality TV Shows on Teenage Girls The beginning of reality television started in the 1940s. Allen Funt's Candid Camera went on air in the year 1948. Candid Camera was a hidden camera television series, which record people who are placed in embarrassing, ridiculous, and hilarious positions, and show their reactions. When people watch reality TV, they tend to think that what they are seeing is a true depiction of reality. Because of that, they tend to believe that what they see on TV is how life really is.Many reality TV shows are created without thinking about its consequences on the mindsets of viewers, especially young viewers. Media companies accept that they make these shows for profit and they do not care about the effects on people. The target audience for most reality TV shows is teens, mostly young girls. These shows have a positive or negative effect on the many viewers and participants. Reality TV didn’t really become pop ular until the early 2000s. Since reality TV is becoming more popular, girls are turning to these shows for entertainment value and life lessons. There are some positive effects of watching these shows.Girls who watch more of this genre of TV have more confidence in themselves, and also consider themselves mature, smart, funny and outgoing, and a good influence (http://technorati. com). Many viewers think that they can relate to the cast members on these shows. Girls receive inspiration and comfort from reality TV. Most teen girls are obsessed with being beautiful and getting a boyfriend. The way the women look on the shows is how girls want to be and look like (http://www. dailyherald. com). Cast members may be their selves but the things they do are scripted by producers that get teenagers attention.The drama, relationships, partying, and glamorous lifestyle that they portray is entertaining. Reality TV shows expose bad behavior, which make viewers think that what they see is acce ptable. In reality, it’s a false reality. Keeping up with the Kardashians, Bad Girls Club, The Real Housewives: The Series, Teen Mom, and Jersey Shore are the main reality TV shows that teens are watching. Most young viewers prefer to watch reality TV shows like those. Each of these shows portrays something which is unrealistic and unaccepted, but audiences don't realize the impact of these shows (http://www. deseretnews. com).Reality TV is not exactly just real life on camera. Although there are some shows that are more realistic than others, all of them are edited. Scenes are shot over and over for better effect. The shows are edited to make them more interesting and exciting. When viewers watch this sort of show, they believe that reality is filled with conflict and other negative events. The viewer may see exciting things happening to people in these shows and compare those things that are happening to their â€Å"normal† lives. Viewers often make a connection with the actors on screen, and then decide to act as the people they admire.The producers of these shows don’t care how they affect or impact on a person’s life. They try to make these shows look real as possible, even though they are scripted. They shoot scenes over and over until they are satisfied. Reality TV show producers are motivated by money and attention-grabbing drama. They fire cast members who don’t appeal to the audience as well as others. In result, they plot scenarios that will result in over-the-top arguments. â€Å"Bad Girls Club† is a perfect example of this. There is a house with seven girls who don’t know each other and they see what happens.The cast members usually have many arguments and fights. After the fight the girl who threw the first punch gets sent home. They are mostly the girls who do not appeal to the audience. The shows exhibit all the qualities that entertain young girls, and also those that can easily influence them. Young girls tend to think that what they see on TV is how their relationships and lives should be. Reality TV shows give a false image of reality. The people watching them are thinking that everything happening in the show is real. Reality shows show real people and how they react to different situations.Many people are fascinated with watching how people react to different environments and different people. It is unpredictable and surprising. Every episode people are tuned in and curious as to what is going to happen next, which keeps them watching week after week. They only show the glamour and success, but not the hard work and sacrifice that is put into achieving all of it. Most adults are able to distinguish reality from fantasy, however most teenagers are incapable of doing so. Reality TV is like passing a car wreck on the highway- we have to look.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Art Essay

* Art is a term that describes a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities, but here refers to the visual arts, which cover the creation of images or objects in fields including paintings, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other visual media. They are two paintings that have been drawn by Dmitry Levitzky in 1773 and by Millais in 1871. The first portrait by Dmitry levitzky is called Nelidova, Ekaterina Ivanovna who she is the daughter of Lieutenant Ivan Dmitrievich Nelidov. She was raised in the Smolny Institute for Young Ladies and was noticed there by Empress Catherine II, who made her a maid of honor to the Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna, later Empress, whose husband Emperor Pavel I. She was sincerely attached to him, although their relations were never intimate. She was able to influence Pavel I, preventing some of his unwise decisions and tantrums. She was also a close friend of the Empress Maria Feodorovna. The second portrait by John Everett Millais is called The Martyr of Solway the â€Å"Margaret† depicted by Millais was Margaret Wilson, who was born in 1667 in Glenvernoch in Wigtownshire. She was a young and devout Presbyterian who was a member of the Covenanters, a Scottish Presbyterian movement of the 17th century in Scotland who signed the National Covenant in 1638 to confirm their opposition to the interference by the Stuart kings in the affairs of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. The Stuart kings embraced the belief of the Divine Right of the Monarch. However, not only did they believe that God wished them to be the infallible rulers of their kingdom – they also believed that they were the spiritual heads of the Church of Scotland. This latter belief was anathema to the Scots. Their belief was quite simple – no man, not even a king, could be spiritual head of their church. The following piece will demonstrate the differences and similarities between the two images in a compare and a contrast manner. Analyze the fundamental differences. Point out the major mutual points.

Education †Want Essay

We could say that an educated person is like a piece of artwork, it is open to the interpretation of the viewer. Just like every art work critique has their own opinion about an artwork, everyone has their own different interpretations of what an educated person is. One thing is clear though, in order to be a successful person in life, you do not need money, as well as in order to be an educated person, you do not need a college diploma. What you are willing to give up in order to become your best person depends on how much you truly want to accomplish that goal. Not everyone knows right away what they have a passion for. One has to explore new activities and only then will they be able to decide for themselves. Everyone expresses their opinion, and in my thought an educated person is the willing to put in time like Gladwell explains, claims their learning rights like Rich exercises, applies critical thinking and reasoning to work towards a success like Wagner emphasizes and lastly does not fall victim to adversity like my father focuses attention on. An educated person should always be willing to put in time. This means that they are willing to give up what they want now, for what they want most. For example, in Gladwell, Schoenfeld the math professor experimented with a young girl Renee, which took her approximately twenty-two minutes to figure the slope of a vertical line. â€Å"This is eight-grade mathematics†¦ If I put the average eighth grader in the same position as Renee, I’m guessing that after the first few attempts, they would have said, ‘I don’t get it. I need you to explain it. ’ (Gladwell 2008, pp. 245). † What Schoenfeld proved with this experiment was the willingness of Renee to continue the math problem. Of course, compared to the eighth grader, Renee had more self-discipline and wanted to continue on going until she was able to solve it. An educated person should be willing to put in time and work towards their goal. It will not be easy or given to the person, there is a lot of time and energy put to having what one wants. Another idea Gladwell explains is the amount of time one is willing to put in and how that makes one an expert. â€Å"Researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: 10,000 hours† (Gladwell 2008, pp. 40). Gladwell’s idea of hard work and dedication to whatever it is that you want to become an expert at takes at least 10,000 hours. I agree with him, but only to a certain point. It is true that in order to become someone well knowledgeable on a certain activity or topic one must practice and put in time. I do not necessarily agree that 10,000 hours should be the exact number for â€Å"true expertise† as Gladwell calls it, but it definitely should not be a few hours. For example, ideally doctors should be one of the most specialized fields. They are ones performing their knowledge on people and I honestly would not want a doctor that has gotten a few hours of practice to do anything to me, because there is more of a chance that they are not as experienced as someone else that has been working for decades as a doctor. An educated person should be willing to put in time to practice which is what makes someone good at their specialization. Rich’s idea of â€Å"claiming an education† also applies within our pursuit to defining an educated person. Rich explains that a student should not think about education as â€Å"receiving it†, but to be thought of as â€Å"claiming it† (Rich 1979 pp. 365). Rich explains that claiming an education is taking as if one were the owner. I agree with Rich, students should have the mentality of taking the education being given to them. There is a difference between claiming what is rightfully yours, and taking what if rightfully yours. One difference is that when you claim something, you are putting in effort to learning what is being taught. For example, a student that goes to class and learns whatever the lesson was for that day, would in my terms be called receiving. On the other hand, if that same student were to go to the instructor’s office hours and basically use the resources that there are around campus, that would be claiming. The mere difference of going one step above the other makes the difference between the two. Rich also backs this idea of claiming, with the simple act of participating in class, becoming more engaged in class and the teacher’s professional life. This idea of claiming an education is not limited to those in school, because not every educated person goes to college, or needs a college degree. It is helpful in order to have something to fall back upon. One way we can connect the idea of claiming an education without going to school, could be my father’s story. His decision of dropping out of high school did not stop him from doing what he wanted to do. He claimed his rights to learning about how to create his own company and becoming a successful entrepreneur, without having a business college degree. Claiming your rights as a human being over all is what counts. Anyone should be able to express their passion for something. In my father’s case, he first started by working at a small local shop as a cashier, but he found himself not doing what he loved, â€Å"I loved helping people, make their houses bigger or just fixing their house up for them. † (Gomez 2014). My father eventually stopped receiving, and started claiming. An educated person is one who does not receive, but one that claims and demands their ability to practice their passion. Give a child a list of three words with a definition to each, allow them to memorize it and few minutes later, they can regurgitate it back to you. As an education major, it is easy to go a whole year teaching children a certain vocabulary words, or teaching them how to solve a math problem, but explaining why the answer is the answer, is a lot more difficult. Wagner explains that many students lack â€Å"intellectual challenges† (Wagner 2008, pp. xxv). A class lacking intellectual challenge for students can cause a downfall in the future. Providing students with more rigorous work and questioning their solutions, prevents them from finding lessons uninteresting and eventually leading them to want to drop the course, or worse yet, want to drop out of school. For example in history class, one has to remember specific dates, but also know why several of these specific events happened or what lead to it. I was one of them. Rarely do students remember what lead to wars, or life historically changing events, like the great depression because they are just taught either to memorize the dates or they find it easier to only remember the dates and names of important historical figures. The same concept can be applied to mathematics, where one has to know how to solve the problem, but does not always know why a certain formula was used or why it only works with that certain problem. According to Wagner, knowing the answer is not sufficient, one must know and be able to critically think about the end result. Therefore, an educated person should be willing to not only claim their education, but also be able to apply more critical thinking and reasoning. Which by later exercising that through practicing and preparing, one can accomplish their goals. Lastly, I interviewed my father, because he is the first man I have ever admired. He was able to successfully carry out a career that he did not go to college for. Matter of fact, he never went to college, and only completed a few years of high school. Through my interview with him, he allowed me to truly appreciate and admire him a lot more. One main adversity he got through was coming in to the United States, he believes that without coming to the United States his success would not have been possible. â€Å"Coming from a huge family, having 8 brothers and 7 sisters you did not always get what you wanted† (Gomez 2014). My father further explained that he was always having to share his things and he never had the opportunities that I have today. â€Å"I had to run a whole mile in order to get to class, there were no buses, because we lived in the country, and I had to run to the city every morning to get to school† (Gomez 2014). My father continues with his story, â€Å"every morning we all had to do chores, mine were taking care of the farm animals. I would milk the cows every morning and since I had to do my morning chores before school, sometimes I ran late and I had to go to school smelling like farm animals and sweat† (Gomez 2014). The dedication put into working back then is not the same today. For everything there is always an excuse made up. I myself have made many excuses, but it takes an educated person to not make excuses. He could have easily said I am not walking a mile to go to school, but he was determined. My father did not drop out of school because he was failing his classes. At age 18 he became an innocent victim in a shooting, in which he was shot in the stomach and had missed a big portion of his senior year. He was months away from graduating, but he never was able to complete his missed classes due to the lack of support from his teachers, he explained. He after started his own family and came to the United States when I was born. â€Å"You are the luckiest one of everyone in the family† he told me, â€Å"your sisters do not have the opportunity that you have and an educated person is one who can make the best situation out of a tough one† (Gomez 2014). Without doubt, my father was able to create a self-made company. He was the only one of his 15 siblings to become an entrepreneur, and today in my eyes he is the most successful. An educated person would ideally be my own father, who was willing to put in time to learn about his passion, claim his rights as a United States resident and created his own business, and lastly he did fall victim to adversity. An educated person and a successful person go hand in hand, but the definitions are endless, and open to many interpretations, but what makes either person educated or successful, depends on what they are willing to give up in order to become their best person. An educated person is one who no matter what is willing to put in time in order to be called an expert at his passion. Someone who rightfully claims the ability to carry out their love for their passion and lastly, someone who does not fall victim to adversity. ? Bibliography Gladwell, Malcolm. â€Å"The 10,000-Hour Rule† in Outliers, 34-68. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Gladwell, Malcolm. â€Å"Rice Paddies and Math Tests† in Outliers, 224-249. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Gustavo Gomez, interview by Alondra Gomez, April 28, 2014. Rich, Adrienne. â€Å"Claiming and Education† in On Lies, Secrets and Silence, 365-369. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1979. Wagner, Tony. The Global Achievement Gap, intro xix-xxviii. New York: Basic Books, 2008.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Conflict Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Conflict Resolution - Essay Example   My main means of relieving stress is through singing. Therefore, during tense situations, I sing, thus engaging my mind in an activity. b). Recognize and manage emotions- when faced with a conflict, I recognize and understand my emotions as well as emotions from other people. This assists me in ensuring I communicate effectively and appropriately thereby, smoothing over disagreements (Segal, Boose, & Smith, 2013). Moreover, I am strongly connected to my feelings and therefore, have the ability to face and tackle differences arising at home, work, or any social place. c) Improvement on nonverbal skills - when faced with conflict, I do pay close attention to the nonverbal signals of the other individual. This assists me in understanding statements from the person and thus, able me to respond in a suitable manner while getting to the base of the problem (Segal, Boose, & Smith, 2013). Moreover, I use a calm tone and show a concerned facial expression, which facilitates tension diffusion. d). Use of humor and play – during a conflict situation, I normally communicate in a humorous and playful manner and this minimizes confrontations, and thus resolve disagreements. Moreover, humor ensures that I communicate feelings and ideas that otherwise would be hard to express (Segal, Boose, & Smith, 2013). I agree to disagree with someone by first recognizing similar viewpoints and listening to his or her reasons for the viewpoints. Afterwards, I proceed to the points we disagree on. We engage in constructive arguments where both parties defend their views and perceptions and try to convince one another (Segal, Boose, & Smith, 2013). In case the person lacks strong and convincing points to defend his perception, I disagree with him and terminate the argument.   

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Service Operating Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Service Operating Strategy - Essay Example Needless to say, a business’s operations are important, as they comprise daily activities; these activities contribute to the success or failure of a business organization. Therefore, a business’s operations and strategy determine its ability to achieve success and survival in a competitive market (Anon, 2007, p.21). Boyer, Hallowell & Roth (2002, p.176) emphasize that, in a business, customer loyalty and retention can improve profitability for the business; as a result, an effective operating strategy is vital in a business. Needless to say, a service operation strategy should be well managed for it to succeed in improving customers’ satisfaction, and as a result, achieving competitive advantage. In addition, a service operating strategy must align with the targeted market requirements (Boyer, Hallowell & Roth, 2002, p.176). This research involves a case study of a reputable Italian restaurant, whose decision to launch new outlets yields to a concern on poor cus tomer experience in the new outlets, which may tarnish the restaurant’s image. As a result, the creation of a service operating strategy for the new outlets is required, which is the main aim of this paper. Italian Restaurant Outlets; Service Operating Strategy This Italian restaurant (Bel Cibo’) has a 25 full service outlets; its decision to look for expansion opportunities has led management to consider new mini-outlets with limited menus and low cost. However, the main concern lies in the poor customer service experience that may occur, and as a result, tarnishing the restaurant’s successful brand. Therefore, the need for a service operating strategy has emerged; when service level and costs are well balanced, they can lead to sustainable competitive advantage. Hawkes, Bailey & Reid (2011) add that, it is important to match service requirements with the needs of customers; for instance, some customers may prefer self-service, for example when using the banks ATMs or in a grocery shop when selecting their preferred greens. However, in a restaurant, a customer expects to be served, â€Å"matching the customer’s expectation with the service delivery method will increase the customer’s satisfaction and the revenue as well† (Hawkes, Bailey & Reid, 2011). In addition, there is need for continuous monitoring of the service processes, which foster service improvement. For instance, in the Bel Cibo’ restaurant outlets, management can ensure that the monitory role is delegated to a qualified personnel, capable of identifying errors and suggesting improvement strategies. Employees of Bel Cibo are the main determinants of the quality of customer services, and as a result, leading to high or low productivity. It is therefore necessary for management to consider the employee’s labor hours and avoid employee burnout, which will result to poor customer services. At the same time, full-time and part-time workers are ne cessary as well as the shifts strategy, which allows workers to break after some hours of working. Moreover, it is essential to ensure that employees are well motivated; this can be in form of training, promotion, reward and ensuring good working conditions among other activities. Hawkes, Bailey & Reid (2011) emphasize on the use of rewards in improving quality customer service. When employee motivation is achieved, employees will be in a position to improve the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

A discussion of how the authors biographical background leads to a Essay

A discussion of how the authors biographical background leads to a particular interpretation of a work - Essay Example The views and analyses made by the scholars while critically evaluating his works have also been included in the present study. The following hypothesis has been developed for the research: More thought-provoking and brilliant the author’s personality as well as observation of the environment, the more his piece of literature covers and reflects different aspects of the biographical background of its author. It is fact beyond doubt that there not only exists a strong and an intimate association between life and literature, but also life is the subject matter of all genres and forms of creative writing. It is therefore it has aptly been said that literature is the reflection of life and the norms, values, traditions, conventions and taboos prevailing in a society which can be found and preserved in gorgeous creative writing as the intellectual heritage of a particular culture and civilization. It is social and cultural features that provide the raw material to creativity on which the foundations of literature stand. Thus, realities of life give birth to the formation of literature. Looking into the history of the world at large, it becomes obvious that all human societies have worked for the preservation of their culture in the form of poetry, art, sculpture, drama, paintings and other forms of creativity. It is therefore ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers have discussed literature in their lectures and writings. Plato has also analyzed literature critically with special focus on poesy. He has declared poetry as mere imitation of life, and a true literary genre presents the actual picture of patterns of life without concealing the bitter facts it maintains. Aristotle, in his renowned Poetics, views men mere objects of imitation. â€Å"Since the objects of imitation are men in action, he argues, and these men must be either of a higher or a lower type, it follows that we must represent

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Domestic Terrorism in the United States Research Paper

Domestic Terrorism in the United States - Research Paper Example of Muslims in the United States, in their establishment of numerous mosques and religious schools across the country, and in their extremist attacks against Americans. There appears to be a general impression among the public that the American security system worked efficiently in thwarting recent terrorist attacks such as the bombing plots at Times Square, in a flight over Detroit, and during a Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Portland, Oregon (Stakelbeck 106). However, these were isolated plots that failed anyway, and were not saved by the intervention of security agencies. Similar to Stakelbeck’s views in his book The Terrorist Next Door: How the Government is Deceiving You About the Islamist Threat, 2011, Catherine Herridge, a television journalist, writes in her book The Next Wave: On the Hunt for Al Qaeda’s American Recruits, 2012, of the increasing possibilities of having Islamic terrorists for neighbors. She adds that the lax attitude of the American government towards recruiting Islamist sympathizers in the workforces has resulted in several attacks from within organizations. For example, a U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan gunned down forty-five people including 12 soldiers, and an airport shuttle bus driver plotted a subway slaughter. Home-grown terrorists born and raised in the United States have posed a great threat in the recent past and will continue to be an ominous, concealed danger in the future. They cannot be identified because they appear American in every way, have clean records, American passports, â€Å"and mass murd er in their hearts† (Herridge, 2012). The Pew Research Center Report, (PRC, 2011), forecasts that America’s Muslim population will triple in number, from 2.6 million to 6.2 million in 2030. For ensuring the spread of Islam, American Muslims are engaged in a campaign of mosque-building across the country, â€Å"including in the very heart of the Bible belt† (Stakelbeck 6). Today there are over 2000 mosques and innumerable Islamic schools, where the teaching of extremist Islamic ideologies are carried out.

Friday, October 4, 2019

JOHN F KENNEDY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

JOHN F KENNEDY - Research Paper Example In that context when John F Kennedy took over the presidency of America, through his benign and confident personality, he ushered in a spirit of positivity and reconciliation. He introduced the American masses to the innate strength of their nation and to a large extent inspired them to work for the good of their country. The good thing is that the positivity Kennedy inspired left a legacy of hope that continues to inspire the Americans even today, when Kennedy is no more. John F Kennedy’s father, Joseph Patrick Kennedy was a multi millionaire who accrued his fortunes in banking, stock markets, film industry, and ship building (Kenney 34). John F Kennedy happened to be the second of Joseph Patrick Kennedy’s nine children (Kenney 34). There is no denying the fact that Kennedy was brought up in a family well endowed with fortune and clout. On his mother’s side, Kennedy was related to John F Fitzgerald, his maternal grandfather who at one time also happened to be the mayor of Boston (Kenney 34). In the Kennedy family, competition, hard work and ambition were intensely encouraged amongst children, the traits that were to accompany Kennedy for the rest of his life. In 1941 Kennedy joined the American Navy (Kenney 21). By the time Kennedy got discharged from Navy, his brother Joe was lost to war and the onus to carry on the family ambition and aspirations fell on the shoulders of John F Kennedy (Kenney 21). Kennedy geared up to accept t his responsibility and in 1946, at the age of 29, became a congressman, the outcome of a determinedly and sincerely run campaign (Kenney 28). However, this achievement was still small to wet the ambition of Kennedy and so he decided to fight for the Senate in 1952 (Kenney 28). In 1953 John F Kennedy expanded his social and political clout by marrying Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, associated with a privileged and famous family (Kenney 29). The couple indeed

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Gender Inequality Essay Example for Free

Gender Inequality Essay The issue of gender inequality or discrimination has existed in the financial industry of the United States. This paper aims to present the existence of such practice in the financial world of some of the famous yet lawsuit-stricken Wall Street firms. In particular, a book written by Roth, which has studied and presented the many incidents of gender prejudices, will be critically analyzed. To make the public realize the need for such harmful organizational practice to be stopped is the ultimate goal of this paper. A Critical Analysis of â€Å"Selling Women Short: Gender Inequality on Wall Street† Many literary writings have presented gender inequalities in work settings. Each work has revealed to the public the many damaging implications of gender discrimination. These kinds of prejudices have been manifested in several forms, notable of which are the famous sexual harassment and unfair labor practice cases. Almost always in such lawsuits, the women employees of big business organizations always fall prey or are subjected to various gender-related unfair practices. Several factors are taken into consideration when gender biases occur in work places. While it is worthy to note that modern working women have slowly achieved a sense of work fairness based from their significant contributions in their respective industries, the ghost of the past sill haunts the society. These are evident with the unsettled labor cases having women as the aggrieved parties. These are but some of the main issues presented in many books. Despite the efforts, however, to clearly present the realities within an organization setting, the fact remains that there are still no appropriate responses which may address the issues concerning women employees. One of the many books which concretely depicted the said condition is the 2006 book of Louise Marie Roth entitled â€Å"Selling Women Short: Gender and Money on Wall Street. † In fact, a literary work such as the Roth book is a clear proof that gender inequalities, which beset powerful Wall Street companies almost two decades ago, have destructively affected contemporary work environments. This is because of the idea that only a few of high-profile gender discrimination cases are resolved in favor of the women victims while majority of these lawsuits are decided favoring the managements where the supposed injustices emanate or where the suspected male offenders acquired their influences. These celebrated criminal cases and the eventual out of court settlements have clearly indicated the previous existence of discrimination and continued practice of gender inequality in the professional environment. Despite the efforts of the Roth book to enlighten and rectify the perspective that women in Wall Street nonetheless have their fair share of success, the reality that women in work places are likely to be shortchanged or are â€Å"sold short† of their respective powers and potentials will never cease to exist. This situation will continue unless concrete actions and sincere efforts are made in order to alleviate, if not stop, gender discrimination in work places. â€Å"Selling Women Short,† an Overview As an educator, Roth presented the book in a manner of self-realization. The author learned how Wall Street companies, such as Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch, all of Citigroup, have provided and continued hostile work settings for their women employees despite the existence of many legal limitations. Based from a methodology using research questions and aimed at achieving an investigative design, â€Å"Selling Women Short† matched the male and female employees of Wall Street firms during the period of 1990s and at time when the market and chances were rich. In an era where the work setting was supposedly advantageous to women workers, Roth discovered the many forms of gender discriminations which hampered the female workforce to progress. In short, using thorough study procedures, the authors as presented by her book examined sex inequality on Wall Street and realized that deceitful prejudice is the outcome of people’s ignorant inclinations and injustices which manipulate how they regard other employees and their respective performances (Roth, 2006). The book specifically identified the Wall Street’s practice of performance appraisal system as the apparent cause of gender discrimination (Roth, 2006, pp. 36-37). The book further presented the various manners in which women employees of the said Wall Street firms have attained their respective success. In particular, the triumphs of women working in the security businesses involved searching for an influential male adviser but in the process, ultimately prevent them from joining team efforts where their inputs matter most. The book concluded by manifesting that work and family concerns do not go hand in hand. This is because of the reality that family-related issues could be the most difficult hindrances to gender fairness on Wall Street due to the fact that women workers desire and ultimately have their respective families. Appealing Components The book is most notable for its comprehensive and clear focus on gender-related emphasis, particularly the degrading reality of discrimination against women which was introduced by the Wall Street work settings and which has continued to harm the modern work place. Stunned by an outbreak of celebrated gender or sex inequality cases more than two decades ago, it was expected from Wall Street to sanitize its industries and the activities of its workforce. Interestingly for â€Å"Selling Women Short,† it has thoroughly and powerfully reflected on how Wall Street’s financial companies have cleared continuing discriminatory lawsuits. Roth is to be acclaimed for this fearless ability to research on the particular cases of gender inequalities and eventually share to the readers the results of her study as well as the appalling yet actual situations of discrimination involving women employees of the firms located at the financial capital of the United States. It is also interesting to discover from the book that Wall Street, which is regarded to be a fortress of untainted or wholesome economics as well as supposedly compensating employees according to their accomplishments and assessing their jobs impartially, is in reality nothing but deceptions. It was both an enlightening and enjoyable discovery that Wall Street was amiss with its supposed intention to equally pay employees, regardless of gender but who have the same qualities and achievements. The comparison made by Roth about the work experiences of the people who started their jobs at various Wall Street firms in the later period of the 1990s was truly appealing. This is because the author was able to unearth that aside from the reality that women employees are paid at a standard of 29 percent less than their male colleagues, they are likewise pushed to less rewarding career options as well as were deprived of promotion and worthwhile customers (Roth, 2006). Aside from the mentioned interesting points, the book has remarkably exposed the devious gender inequality in the Wall Street structure. Roth is again to be praised for her explicit revelation of gender discrimination when she wrote on the unwitting prejudices of the members of the management, colleagues of the women employees and the manipulation of the customers on the performance assessments, task allocation, and eventually compensation (Roth, 2006, p. 62). Simply put, the book, through the words of Roth, has effectively presented how employees behind Wall Street companies have portrayed realistically damaging components such as their penchant to relate with those of similar sex and how they have a say to the system of gender discrimination. Ultimately, the author is to be credited with her proposals to limit the practice of all gender-related inequalities. Though the suggestions seem to fall short of being real, such attempt by Roth implied her earnest intention for the public to realize the harms of discrimination. Conclusion Despite the above mentioned interesting attributes of â€Å"Selling Women Short,† the book itself is unfortunately similarly short of its suggestions on how gender inequality could have been addressed, if not stopped, even from its start of existence. While Roth’s writing job was generally appealing and informative primarily because of her efforts to deal with the issue of gender discrimination, it may be in a way perceived that the public was shortchanged of more concrete solutions. Nonetheless, what Roth has ultimately achieved was for the book to eventually sink into the organizational set-up of Wall Street firms where it is aimed at influencing the people who build the practice of gender discrimination to finally put an end to such prejudice. Reference Roth, L. M (2006). Selling Women Short: Gender Inequality on Wall Street. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.